"the conclusion at which I have already arrived to the effect that in making the
March 2011 s 37 direction and a further interim care order the judge exceeded his Judgment Approved by the court for handing down"
http://dishonourjudgetyzack.weebly.com / the-judgement-from-the-royal-co urts-of-justice---appeal.html
showing the world the evil judge HHJ Tyzack - his demise as an up and coming judge!! lololololololo well he retired - (got sacked) haha
Friday, 30 November 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
for the attention of
Lord Justice McFarlane, COVER UP LEADER,
Lord Justice Dyson, COVER UP ,
Lord Justice Sullivan, COVER UP,
and all the other scavengers making a huge profit out the illegal and wrongful removal of T. This is the beginning of you being being exposed.
JANE MOORE: Expose the tyrants of child protection
Mistreated ... Rotherham couple
By JANE MOORE, SUN Columnist
Published: 28th November 2012
IT can no longer be ignored by those who purport to be in charge of this country that something is deeply rotten at the core of Britain’s social services.
Believe me, the case of the three Eastern European children removed from a loving home because their foster parents were members of UKIP is just the tip of the iceberg.
Lurking below, in the murky depths of our ferociously secretive “care” system, will be hundreds if not thousands of similar cases where a gross abuse of power has helped to destroy the lives of the very youngsters it was set up to protect.
Hopefully, they will now rise above the surface, expose the ugly, playing-God mindset, and prompt a dramatic overhaul of these tin-pot dictatorships more reminiscent of Stalinist Russia than a modern democracy.
Babies forced into adoption after being taken from mothers on a mere suspicion of “future emotional abuse”, fathers and paternal relatives denied access to children on nothing more than maternal hearsay, and prospective well-meaning fosterers and adopters subjected to the ridiculously stringent political correctness that is making the headlines right now.
All conducted under a cloak of secrecy that claims to be in the interests of the children involved but all too conveniently protects the increasingly warped system itself.
Don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of frontline social workers doing a fantastic job in often deeply challenging, sometimes harrowing circumstances.
That they are so poorly paid indicates that their motives for choosing to do it are well-intended.
But even they must be despairing of the lucrative industry that has sprung up around what was once the noble and pure intent to protect children but has seemingly morphed into the far uglier whiff of political or financial self-interest.
Roger Stone, the Labour leader of Rotherham council, says that while membership of UKIP should not prevent someone from fostering, this was a “complex” case (aren’t they all?) involving legal advice and an external agency responsible for finding the foster carers. Sounds expensive.
It could well be an outfit like the National Fostering Agency, set up by two former social workers in 1995 and sold earlier this year to venture capitalists Graphite for an eye-watering £130million.
And by the way, it’s only the UK’s second biggest private fostering business.
In other words, there’s money in them there ills.
Then there’s the outreach workers, the “experts” paid to provide statements to the courts, the state’s legal advisers, the “independent” legal advisers, the guardians, the police workers, the court officials etc etc. All with a vested interest in “child protection”.
Little wonder then that, according to a Children In Need census, in 2007 the number of children and young people who were the subject of a Child Protection Plan was 27,900.
In 2011, it was 42,700.
Plenty of those will be genuine cases where the work of social services has proved vital, in the spirit of its original ethos to act in the interests of children.
But all too many will be based on nothing more than an unfounded suspicion, plunging one or both parents into a Kafka-esque nightmare, a punishment without crime.
And worst of all, those who suffer most are the children, emotionally damaged by the actions of self-interested zealots who affect to “care”.
We are used to case-centric inquiries such as the one surrounding the Baby P scandal, but it’s now time to shine a torch into the dark, secretive corners of the entire system to try to make its work and objectives more transparent while still maintaining anonymity for the vulnerable.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
fuck the law
see the judgement below this post:
how is it the qc for the guardian whom was the main respondent, who had been 100% against us .. can put in a skeleton argument that is in total reverse to his clients best interest, provides evidence to the appeal court that the process was unfair on us, and the judge acted outside of his jursidiction ... and still wins???
get it???
its like the cps saying "the defendant has been wronged and the process was unlawful" but the defendant still gets hung.
the solicitor for Torbay must be pissing her fat arse off! the law really is a complete joke.
it of course doesnt help when you have the childs special guardians rubbing their own daughters face in her loss of appeal. but then what can one expect from depraved fuck ups as the wests.
we are not bitter, just real fucking angry
here is the cover up for HHJ TYZACK:
Neutral Citation Number: [2012] EWCA Civ 1549
Case No: B4/2012/0430
His Honour Judge Tyzack QC
Royal Courts of Justice
Strand, London, WC2A 2LL
Date: 29/11/2012
Before :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Re: K (Children)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mr and Mrs B (Appellants) in person
Mr Rupert Chapman (instructed by Leicestershire County Council legal department) for
Leicestershire County Council
Ms Kathryn Skellorn (instructed by Torbay Council Legal Department) for Torbay Council
Ms Carol Mashembo (instructed by Boyce Hatton Solicitors ) for Dr K (father)
Mr Piers Pressdee QC (instructed by Tozer’s Solicitors ) for the Children’s Guardian
Hearing date : 24
October 2012
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Approved JudgmentJudgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
Lord Justice McFarlane:
1. The central question raised in this appeal relates to the extent of a court’s jurisdiction
in family proceedings to make sequential directions to a local authority under
Children Act 1989, s 37 and, on the back of those directions, to continue to make
interim care orders under s 38, in circumstances where the local authority may be said
to have already discharged its duty under s 37 and where it opposes the making of
further interim care orders.
2. The appeal is brought by Mr and Mrs B against orders made in private family law
proceedings in the Exeter County Court relating to two boys. The boys will be
referred to in this judgment as ‘Tok’ and ‘Tun’. Tok was born on 21
st May 1997 and
is therefore now aged 15½ years, his brother Tun was born on 20
January 2000 and
is now 12¾ years old. Mrs B is the mother of both boys and Dr K is their father. Mrs
B and Dr K separated many years ago and Mrs B is now married to Mr B, who is
therefore the boys’ stepfather.
3. Both boys have been the subject of private law proceedings between their two parents
since 2006. For a substantial period of time the boys resided with their father in
Devon and there were ongoing entrenched difficulties over the arrangements for
contact to their mother who lives in the Midlands. As time has gone on, two children
have been born to Mr and Mrs B, a girl, I, who is now aged six and a boy, W, who is
aged four.
4. Matters have been complicated by periodic collapses in Dr K’s mental health. In
particular, in April 2010 Dr K suffered a mental breakdown and both boys moved to
live with Mr and Mrs B in Leicestershire. From the start Tok’s behaviour was
extremely challenging and a stage was reached after some two months which resulted
in Mrs B writing to the court on 7th June 2010 saying that Tok’s behaviour was such
that he could not stay any longer in her home with the other children. Dr K’s mental
equilibrium had apparently been re-established and in July 2010 Tok returned to his
care in Devon, leaving Tun in the care of Mr and Mrs B.
5. The private law proceedings continued in Exeter and it is clear that during the second
half of 2010 the rule 9.5 children’s guardian appointed to represent their interests in
the proceedings was asking judges (HHJ Robertshaw and HHJ Wildblood QC) to
make a direction under CA l989, s37 requiring the social services in Leicestershire to
undertake an assessment of Tun’s welfare in the home of Mr and Mrs B with a view
to considering care proceedings. The judges declined that invitation and, by position
statements dated 24th August and 19 th November, Leicestershire County Council
[‘LCC’], who had knowledge of the family, stated that there were no issues that
would lead that local authority to apply for a public law order to enable Tun to be
removed from Mr and Mrs B’s care.
6. Matters came to a head in early December 2010. On 3 rd December Dr K suffered a
further mental breakdown. Tok was removed from his care by the police and placed
with the maternal grandparents, who also live in Devon. On 6 th December HHJ
Tyzack QC made a section 37 direction in relation to Tok and granted an interim care
order with respect to him in favour of Torbay Council.Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
7. On 10th December Tun’s case came before Judge Tyzack. Mrs B was represented, but
not apparently in attendance. On that occasion the judge made a section 37 direction
to LCC, he held that the criteria necessary to establish jurisdiction to make an interim
care order under CA 1989, s 38 were established on the basis of emotional abuse in
the home of Mr and Mrs B as a result of Mr B’s alleged bullying and intimidating
behaviour. On that basis the judge made an interim care order with respect to Tun in
favour of LCC.
8. Mr and Mrs B take serious issue with the hearing on 10th December 2010 and the
orders that were made. Whilst these orders were not subject to appeal at the time, it is
Mr and Mrs B’s case that from that date onwards their ability to have a fair hearing
was fundamentally compromised. They assert that the interim care order was made
on the basis that if they co-operated with the social services, Tun would not be
removed from their care. Mr and Mrs B profoundly disagreed with the making of an
interim care order and therefore refused to co-operate with the social services with the
result that Tun was indeed removed from their care five days later on 15th
9. Matters apparently cooled down around the turn of the year and by mid-January Mr
and Mrs B were prepared to co-operate with the social workers and in a position
statement dated 28
January 2011 LCC stated that, following an assessment, their
conclusion was that Tun could be returned to Mr and Mrs B’s care after the next
hearing, which was on 31
January. At that hearing, however, HHJ Tyzack expressed
dissatisfaction with the local authority report. He made a further s 37 direction, and
renewed the interim care order on the basis that he did not sanction Tun’s return to Mr
and Mrs B’s home.
10. The case was once again before HHJ Tyzack on 4
th March. LCC made it plain to the
judge that they were not going to apply for a care or supervision order and opposed
the making of further s 37 and interim care orders. Notwithstanding that position the
judge made a third s 37 direction and made a further interim care order.
11. Mr and Mrs B apparently understood that the local authority had consented to the
further orders (an understanding which now seems to have been incorrect). In any
event the orders made on 4
th March had the consequence that Mr and Mrs B once
again withdrew their co-operation with the social services in Leicester and, indeed,
stated their intention to take judicial review proceedings against them (see probation
officer’s log for 9
th March at A134).
12. So far as Tok is concerned, he had continued to reside with the maternal grandparents
and, on 12
April 2011, a residence order was made in their favour supported by an
interim supervision order to Torbay.
13. In Tun’s case, following the withdrawal of cooperation by Mr and Mrs B, LCC issued
care proceedings in the Exeter County Court. At a contested hearing on 12
2011 HHJ Tyzack made a further interim care order with respect to Tun and
sanctioned Leicestershire’s plan which was for Tun to move from his foster carers to
be placed, with Tok, in the home of the maternal grandparents. Mrs B was
represented at that hearing and attended for part of the day, but following the
luncheon adjournment did not return to court. As a result of the judge’s order Tun
moved to live with his grandparents and has continued to remain in their care since Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
that time. Mr and Mrs B are totally estranged from the maternal grandparents and
consider that the placement of either boy in their care is the worst outcome.
14. By their notice of appeal Mr and Mrs B seek to challenge the orders made on 12
April 2011.
15. Following the April hearing Mr and Mrs B seem to have withdrawn from engagement
in the court and social work process but, by an email dated 24
October 2011 (C29),
Mrs B indicated that she was “now resuming my involvement in the case” but stated
“I am not available for a final hearing in January 2012”. By an order of 12 November
2011 the judge gave very detailed directions for the final hearing, which included
extensive provision for the involvement of Mr and Mrs B. Following that the local
authority filed their final documents and in early December Mrs B filed detailed
responses to the local authority case. However in an email to the court dated 16
December 2011 Mrs B stated that she “is not seeking residence or contact with Tun”
(page C90). In a further e.mail dated 28
December she stated that she had no
intention of attending the hearing, which was booked for January, as she could predict
what HHJ Tyzack would do and she would, instead, concentrate on appealing (page
16. At the final hearing on 13
January 2012 HH Judge Tyzack secured the placement of
Tun with the maternal grandparents by making a special guardianship order in their
favour. This final order is the third of the three orders that Mr and Mrs B seek to
challenge in this appeal.
17. As I have indicated, the notice of appeal was filed on 3
February 2012. Whilst it
specifies the three orders to which I have made reference, the appeal is in fact against
the entire process that has been undertaken from December 2010 onwards. Mr and
Mrs B seek a complete re-hearing of all the issues in the case. In addition to raising
matters in relation to the court process and the orders made, they also express extreme
concern for Tun’s welfare in the care of his grandparents both before and, more
particularly, since the special guardianship order was made in January.
18. Permission to appeal was granted by Ward LJ and McFarlane LJ in a reserved
judgment handed down on 30
August 2012, which, at paragraph 18 sets out a
detailed list of the grounds of appeal ([2012] EWCA Civ 1169). In the course of that
judgment I sought to draw the widely cast points that Mr and Mrs B wished to raise
into a coherent list of the matters that particularly justified a full appeal hearing. The
headline points in that list are as follows:
a) The making of an interim care order on 10
December 2010 was not
justified in the light of two extant reports from LCC expressing the
clear opinion that care proceedings were not needed in relation to Tun;
b) There was no justification for making two further s 37 directions and
on each occasion a further interim care order in January and March
c) The lack of justification for the subsequent s 37 directions is confirmed
by the judge’s description of the two s 37 reports in his judgment of
April 2011 as “comprehensive and thorough”;Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
d) Insofar as the threshold criteria are concerned, the 12
April 2011
judgment, in like manner to that of December 2010, does not refer to
the evidence prior to those dates which would establish a factual basis
for holding that there are reasonable grounds for believing that Tun is
suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm;
e) If the judge’s motivation was to save Tun from exposure to the
emotional fall-out within this dysfunctional family, placing him in
another part of the family could not be justified and, on that basis, it
would be better for him to be placed in a totally neutral environment;
f) Events since the making of the order have demonstrated that Tun is
highly disturbed and out of control as a result of living in the maternal
grandparents’ home.
19. For the purposes of the appeal hearing the court has been greatly assisted by the
provision of the complete case bundles which are supported by full skeleton
arguments from each respondent together with a comprehensive chronology prepared
on behalf of Torbay Council. The position of both local authorities and Dr K is that
they strongly oppose the appeal. In contrast, Mr Piers Pressdee QC, counsel for the
child, acting through the children’s guardian, having conducted a retrospective
analysis of the procedural history, submits that there have been procedural
irregularities and errors of law which are sufficient to lead to this appeal being
allowed and the whole case being remitted for rehearing before a different tribunal.
The central submission made by Mr Pressdee is that HHJ Tyzack exceeded his
powers by making repeated directions under CA 1989, s 37 and associated interim
care orders which amounted to impermissible pressure upon the local authority to
initiate care proceedings and to exercise its parental responsibility in a manner that
accorded with the judge’s views, rather than those of the social workers.
20. In support of their appeal, Mr and Mrs B are plainly in agreement with the
submissions made by Mr Pressdee. In addition, in clear and measured terms, they
have argued in support of the other criticisms that they make of the entire process.
21. I consider that the focus that Mr Pressdee has rightly drawn to the judge’s use of CA
1989, s 37, and under it the making of a series of interim care orders, goes to the heart
of the matter not only in terms of the law but also in the light of its apparent impact
upon Mr and Mrs B. I therefore propose to give primary consideration to this aspect
of the appeal.
22. Under CA 1989, s 31(1) an application to place a child in care or to put him under
local authority supervision may only be made by a local authority or an authorised
person. The role of ‘authorised person’ is not relevant to these proceedings. The legal
context within which s 37 therefore operates is that under the CA 1989, s 31(1)
Parliament has entrusted to the local authority, and not to the court, the role of
determining whether or not public law proceedings in relation to a child are to be
23. CA 1989, s 37 provides a jurisdictional bridge between private law proceedings under
Part 2 of the Act, in which a local authority normally plays no part, and the public law
provisions in Part 4. The relevant provisions of CA 1989, s 37 are: Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
37 Powers of court in certain family proceedings
1) Where, in any family proceedings in which a question arises with respect
to the welfare of any child, it appears to the court that it may be
appropriate for a care or supervision order to be made with respect to him,
the court may direct the appropriate authority to undertake an
investigation of the child’s circumstances.
2) Where the court gives a direction under this section the local authority
concerned shall, when undertaking the investigation, consider whether
they should –
(a) apply for a care order or for a supervision order with respect to
the child;
(b) provide services or assistance for the child or his family; or
(c) take any other action with respect to the child.
3) Where a local authority undertake an investigation under this section, and
decide not to apply for a care order or supervision order with respect to
the child concerned, they shall inform the court of –
(a) their reasons for so deciding;
(b) any service or assistance which they have provided, or intend to
provide, for the child and his family; and
(c) any other action which they have taken, or propose to take, with
respect to the child.
4) The information shall be given to the court before the end of the period of
eight weeks beginning with the date of the direction, unless the court
otherwise directs.
5) ….
6) If, on the conclusion of any investigation or review under this section, the
authority decide not to apply for a care order or supervision order with
respect to the child –
(a) they shall consider whether it would be appropriate to review the
case at a later date; and
(b) if they decide that it would be, they shall determine the date on
which that review is to begin.
24. CA 1989, s 37(1) gives the court power to direct the appropriate local authority to
investigate the child’s circumstances. The authority must consider whether they
should apply for a care or supervision order under s 31 with respect to the child (s
31(2)). If the authority decides to make a s 31 application then that application will be
a public family law application under CA 1989, Part 4 and the bridge from the earlier
private law proceedings provided by s 37 will have been traversed. The present appeal
questions the position where a local authority complies with a s 37 direction by
undertaking an investigation but decides not to make an application under s 31 and Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
purports to comply with s 37(3) by informing the court of their reasons, any services
that are to be provided to the family and any other action that is to be taken.
25. A significant facet of the s 37 bridge is that where a court directs that a report is to be
provided under s 37 a limited jurisdiction is established by s 38 under which,
depending on the facts of the case, the court may make an interim care order or
interim supervision order. If an interim care or supervision order is made the
proceedings will, for the duration of that order, become ‘specified proceedings’ under
CA 1989, s 41 and the court thereby has jurisdiction to appoint a children’s guardian
for the child. The relevant parts of CA 1989, s 38 are:
38 Interim orders
1) Where
(a) in any proceedings on an application for a care order or
supervision order, the proceedings are adjourned; or
(b) the court gives a direction under section 37(1).
the court may make an interim care order or an interim supervision order with
respect to the child concerned.
2) A court shall not make an interim care order or interim supervision order
under this section unless it is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for
believing that circumstances with respect to the child are as mentioned in
section 31(2).
3) ….
4) An interim order made under or by virtue of this section shall have effect for
such period as may be specified in the order, but shall in any event cease to
have effect on whichever of the following events first occurs –
(a) the expiry of the period of eight weeks beginning with the date
on which the order is made;
(b) if the order is the second or subsequent such order made with
respect to the same child in the same proceedings, the expiry of the
relevant period;
(c) in a case which falls within subsection (1)(a), the disposal of the
(d) in a case which falls within subsection (1)(b), the disposal of an
application for a care order or a supervision order made by the
authority with respect to the child;
(e) in a case which falls within subsection (1)(b) and in which –
(i) the court has given a direction under section 37(4), but
(ii) no application for a care order or supervision order has
been made with respect to the child,
the expiry of the period fixed by that direction.
5) In subsection (4)(b) “the relevant period” means –Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
(a) the period of four weeks beginning with the date on which the
order in question is made; or
(b) the period of eight weeks beginning with the date on which the
first order was made if that period ends later than the period
mentioned in paragraph (a).
6) ….
26. It is to be noted that s 38(4) limits the length of an interim care or supervision order to
the earliest occurring of a number of events. In the context of a s 37 direction which
does not result in the local authority issuing a s 31 application, an interim order under
s 38 will come to an end on the date when whichever of the following events first
i) the expiry of the period of eight weeks beginning with the date
which the order was made [s 38(4)(a)];
ii) if the order is the second or subsequent such order, the expiry of
‘the relevant period’ (being either the remainder, if any, of the
first eight weeks after the making of the first order or four
weeks) [s 38(4)(b)+(5)]; or
iii) the expiry of any court directed period varying the normal eight
week period fixed for a local authority to comply with a s 37
direction [s 37(4) and 38(4)(e)].
27. The first stage of Mr Pressdee’s submissions on s 37 was to suggest that the decision
of Wall J (as he then was) in Re CE (Section 37 Direction) [1995] 1 FLR 26 made it
impermissible for a court to order repeat interim care orders under the umbrella of a s
37 direction. The issue in Re CE was whether there was jurisdiction to continue the
appointment of a children’s guardian, who had been appointed during the currency of
a s 37 direction, once the s 37 had run its course with the outcome that no care
proceedings had been issued. Wall J concluded that where a s 37 investigation runs its
course with the outcome that the local authority declines to issue care proceedings, the
court has no continuing jurisdiction to maintain an interim care order with respect to
the child; the proceedings will thereby cease to be ‘specified proceedings’ under s 41
and the jurisdiction to appoint a children’s guardian will also come to an end.
28. In the course of his judgment Wall J made a number of observations (at pages 42 and
43) highlighting the inability of the court to make an interim care order in the absence
of a full s 31 application made by the local authority other than during a live s 37
direction. Wall J does not refer, one way or the other, to the court having jurisdiction
to make more than one single s 37 direction in a case. Mr Pressdee submits that it is
therefore implicit that Wall J was working on the assumption a court does not have
jurisdiction to make a second or subsequent s 37 direction. He submits that this is
consistent with the use of the word ‘investigation’ in the singular throughout s 37.
29. Whilst the statutory analysis urged by Mr Pressdee may be arguable, I do not regard
the judgment of Wall J in Re CE as being any authority on this point. It is plain from Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
the facts of Re CE and from the judge’s approach that the option of the court making a
further s 37 direction (and thereby continuing an interim court order and the
appointment of a guardian) simply did not arise. The s 37 direction process had run its
course, the local authority had determined not to issue a s 31 application, there was
therefore no continued jurisdiction to make an interim care order under s 38 and no
power to maintain the guardian’s appointment.
30. In Lambeth LBC v TK and KK [2008] EWCA Civ 103; [2008] 1 FLR 1229, the Court
of Appeal considered a case where the local authority had responded to a s 37
direction by producing a report which solely contained evidence relating to the
‘child’s’ age and the authority’s assertion that she was not in fact a ‘child’. Wilson LJ
(at paragraph 29) did not regard the local authority as having yet made a substantive
report in response to the s 37 direction, notwithstanding that a ‘report’ had been filed.
The implication, and it is no more, is that Wilson LJ contemplated that a further report
from the local authority would be, and could be, required by the court.
31. In an appropriate case the jurisdiction in private law proceedings for the court to make
a s 37 direction is an important and useful facility under which a local authority is
required to investigate a child’s circumstances and required to consider issuing care
proceedings. A private law case may last for a significant time and the circumstances
of a child who is the subject of the proceedings may change. It would be wholly
artificial to limit the court’s ability to utilise the s 37 jurisdiction to ‘one shot’ in each
case. Nothing in the statutory language suggests that there is to be such a limitation on
use. To the contrary, by s 37(1) the jurisdiction exists ‘where, in any family
proceedings in which a question arises with respect to the welfare of any child, it
appears to the court that it may be appropriate for a care or supervision order to be
made’. Circumstances sufficient to justify it appearing to the court that a public order
may be appropriate may occur for a variety of reasons and at different stages during a
single set of proceedings.
32. In the present case, the judge made a series of s 37 directions arising out of the same
factual context on the basis that the investigation conducted by the local authority
was, on each occasion, unsatisfactory. As a matter of principle, and before turning to
the facts of this case and the justification for the judge’s exercise of the jurisdiction in
this case, it must be the case that where a judge is satisfied that the local authority has
either simply not complied with an initial s 37 direction, or has conducted an
investigation which fails to a significant degree to engage with the court’s concerns,
the court has jurisdiction to extend or renew its s 37 direction. It will be a question in
each case to determine whether such a course is justified. In approaching that question
it will be necessary to bear very much in mind that the statutory structure is firmly
weighted in favour of the local authority, which, alone, has the power to issue a public
law application under CA 1989, s 31. In Re M (Intractable Contact Dispute: Interim
Care Order) [2003] EWHC 1024 (Fam), Wall J underlined the statutory structure
‘[The court] cannot require the local authority to take proceedings. The limit of
[the court’s power] is to direct the authority to undertake an investigation of the
children’s circumstances.’ [paragraph 123]
33. Having looked at the matters of principle raised by Mr Pressdee, and having
determined that a court does have jurisdiction to make more than one s 37 direction Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
during the currency of private law proceedings and has jurisdiction to extend or renew
an earlier s 37 direction if the circumstances so justify, I now turn to look at the
deployment of that jurisdiction by HHJ Tyzack in the present case.
th December 2010
34. The judgment given on 10
December 2010 in support of the first s 37 direction and
interim care order is, on any view, very short and in full reads:
‘I am quite satisfied in this case that the situation before me is a grave one in
which the litigation has been entrained in respect of [Tok and Tun] for something
like four and half years. Having heard the evidence of Dr Freedman yesterday and
having read her reports and having today heard the evidence of the guardian, I
should say yesterday very helpfully as well have having received Mrs
Churchman’s [the social worker] observations, it was not oral evidence but her
observations about the situation for these boys, that the situation is one in which
this court is in really no doubt at all that the criteria for s 38 of the CA 1989 are
Namely that in so far as [Tun] is concerned born on 20
January 2000 now aged
10 the court at the very least is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for
believing that the threshold criteria in s 31 of the Children Act are met. Having
heard Mr Ingham, the guardian, today and having read his reports it is quite clear
to me that [Tun] is in a situation where he has suffered emotional abuse at the
hands, probably principally of Mr B but also in respect of his mother, Mrs B
failing to protect him from Mr B’s bullying and intimidating behaviour.
Also there are reasonable grounds for believing that [Tun] is at risk of suffering
emotional abuse in the future. The court would be failing in its duty under the
Children Act in particular section 1 where the welfare of [Tun] is the paramount
consideration if I did not make today an interim care order to LCC.
I have been helpfully informed that LCC will carry out an immediate assessment
because it seems to me that an order is needed under s 37 of the CA 1989
requiring Leicestershire social services to assess [Tun]’s position and to come
back to the court with a report in due course indicating whether any public law
order is required.
I also feel that the situation is serious enough, in the light of the failure by the B’s
to cooperate wholeheartedly in the past with professionals such as social workers
from Leicestershire and indeed this guardian, Mr Ingham, that there should be no
delay in assessing with the B’s will cooperate with such a s 37 enquiry.’
35. Mr and Mrs B are very critical of this judgment. As a result of the lack of detail, they
claim to have asked for clarification from the judge on many occasions so that they
may understand the basis upon which the order was made. A transcript of the
judgment apparently only became available during the preparation of this appeal. The
fact that the transcript indicates a confusion as to the name of the two boys (which I
have corrected in the above quotation) has only compounded Mr and Mrs B’s
exasperation.Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
36. It is important to step back from the judgment itself and consider the wider context in
which it was given, which was that the court had been immersed for over a day in
professional and expert evidence from Dr Judith Freedman, a nationally respected
child and adolescent psychiatrist, and the children’s guardian, both of whom
expressed very clearly that Tun was exposed to significant emotional harm in the
home of Mr and Mrs B. Dr Freedman’s report and the various position statements and
reports from the guardian had been disclosed to Mr and Mrs B and indeed they were
plainly aware of the guardian’s previous attempts to achieve an interim care order
with other judges at earlier hearings on the same basis.
37. Mr Pressdee rightly concedes that the court had sufficient evidence upon which it
could properly reach the view under s 37(1) that ‘it may be appropriate for a care or
supervision order to be made’ with respect to Tun, and to concede that there was also
sufficient evidence to be satisfied under s 38(2) that there were reasonable grounds for
believing that the s 31 threshold criteria were met in Tun’s case, thereby opening the
jurisdiction to make an interim care order. He is, however, critical of the judge’s
failure to set out in full and clear terms the rationale for making a s 37 report to LCC
(who were not at court and not parties to the proceedings). He also draws attention to
the structure of the judgment in which the judge makes the interim care order before
making the s 37 direction, whereas as a matter of law the latter should precede the
38. In relation to the 10
December 2010 hearing I consider that Mr Pressdee’s criticisms
are well made. In order for the s 37 facility to be effective there is a need for the judge
to communicate with the local authority in clear terms so that the social workers, who
almost by definition will not be privy to the private law proceedings prior to the
direction being made, may understand the focus of the court’s concern. It is also
obviously important for judges to work through the jurisdictional stages established
by s 37 and s 38 in the correct sequence. That said, I am clear that no unfairness or
material error resulted from the judge’s approach. He had ample expert and
professional evidence upon which to be satisfied that grounds necessary for ss 37 and
38 were established. Mr and Mrs B, although they had not attended the hearing, were
well aware of this evidence which featured in written reports and had been raised at
earlier hearings. The short judgment, whilst possibly unhelpful at the time, does not
indicate an absence of clear grounds for making the orders that were made. For these
reasons I would not have upheld the appeal in relation to the December 2010 interim
care order if it were being heard at a time close to the original order; looked at now,
some two years later, the points made are effectively academic in any event.
39. Mr and Mrs B’s reaction to the order, and their decision not to cooperate with LCC,
was a matter for them. The removal of Tun from the care of Mr and Mrs B under the
interim care order on the 15
December was a consequence of their decision not to
cooperate with an order of the court that had been validly made and was, in any event,
in force.
January 2011
40. Prior to the hearing on 31
January 2011 LCC had filed a 16 page report in purported
compliance with the first s 37 direction. An unapproved note of the judgment and the
fairly full recitals within the order made on that day make it plain that the judge
regarded the report as being deficient in the following respects:Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
a) Inadequate evaluation of the risk of Tun suffering emotional harm if he
were to return to the care of Mr and Mrs B;
b) No assessment of the option of placing Tun with the maternal
grandparents in Devon;
c) The effect on Tun (and his education) of any further moves.
LCC indicated a willingness to file an addendum to the s 37 report, but it did not wish
the court to make another interim care order. The judge nevertheless made a further
interim care order and, in doing so, he acknowledged that under the order it was for
the local authority and not the court to determine where Tun should be placed. He
nevertheless urged LCC to think carefully before returning the boy to his mother’s
41. For the reasons that I have already given (see paragraph 31 and 32) a court has
jurisdiction to make more than one s 37 direction in the course of ongoing
proceedings. Here the judge identified specific deficiencies in the report that had been
provided and the local authority accepted that it was appropriate for an addendum
report to be provided. Mr and Mrs B rightly point to an observation of the judge made
in a judgment in April 2011 to the effect that the reports from LCC (including the first
s 37 report) were comprehensive and thorough. I do not however consider that that
observation is incompatible with the decision to order an addendum report in January
2011. The content of the first report was indeed sound, the problem, as the judge
apparently saw it, was not what was in the report but what had been left out. He
therefore directed an addendum to fill in the apparent deficiencies. The evidence that
had supported the making of the original interim care order remained unchanged as,
apparently, did the level of judicial concern at the prospect of Tun living with Mr and
Mrs B. Mr Pressdee rightly accepts that the evidence continued to provide a basis for
a further interim care order. As a matter both of jurisdiction and of process therefore I
cannot find that the making of a further s 37 order together with an interim care order
in January 2011 can properly be challenged.
th March 2011
42. Prior to the hearing on 4
th March 2011, LCC had complied with the request for an
addendum by filing a substantial 30 page report, which concluded that Tun should be
returned to his mother’s care under a Family Assistance Order to LCC for a period of
12 months. The recommendation was based upon the level of cooperation between
LCC and Mr and Mrs B that had by that stage been re-established. LCC was plain that
it did not intend to make an application under CA 1989, s 31 for a care or supervision
43. It has not been possible to obtain a transcript of the March 2011 judgment, but we
have seen an attendance note of the hearing made by counsel for LCC and a note of
the judgment prepared by Dr K’s counsel. LCC’s counsel seemingly met the
jurisdictional issue head on by submitting to the judge that there were now no reasons
that might justify making a further s 37 direction and therefore no jurisdiction to
contemplate making a further interim care order. The judge apparently pointed to
aspects of the report which gave rise to fresh concerns, in particular with regard to
sanitation at the B’s home and the prospect that they might be evicted. He was also Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
concerned that the social worker regarded it as acceptable for Tun to be left to protect
himself from emotional harm by ‘developing strategies’ to cope with Mr B’s
behaviour. These concerns are mirrored in the note of judgment which continues:
‘I am satisfied that it would not be right to act on what [the social worker] has
said and I am not minded to discharge the ICO. I require the local authority to
address the concerns of the father and the children’s guardian and the court on
reading [this report]. I shall give [the social worker] 21 days to respond. I shall
direct that input on behalf of the father and the guardian be put to [the social
worker] within 14 days.’
On that basis the judge made a further s 37 direction for 21 days and a further 28 day
interim care order.
44. Mr Pressdee submits that the judge’s actions on the 4
th March are in a different
category from those at the earlier two hearings and that it is hard to avoid the
conclusion that the judge, sitting in private law proceedings, was effectively dictating
to a local authority and seeking to subvert the delineation of role, enshrined in CA
1989, which separates the local authority from the court. He also submits that the
judge, once again, inverted the order of decision making by first determining that he
was ‘not minded to discharge the interim care order’ before making the s 37 direction.
Finally, Mr Pressdee argues that the judge totally failed to spell out in clear terms why
the s 37 report was deficient; instead he delegated that role to the father and the
guardian who were, over the course of 14 days, to indicate their concerns to LCC. In
this context it is of note that the guardian had apparently departed on leave prior to
seeing the March s 37 report and was not at the hearing. His views on the document
were therefore not available to the judge at that time.
45. Although a court has jurisdiction to make more than one s 37 direction in the course
of proceedings, the exercise of that jurisdiction is to be considered at each turn with
regard to the evidence that is then before the court and with regard to the firm
weighting of the legislation in favour of the local authority being the determining
body on the question of whether or not a child is to be the subject of care proceedings.
In each case and at each hearing there will be a line beyond which the court may not
go in deploying the facility provided by s 37 under which an interim care order may
be made. Whilst the position of the line will vary in accordance with the particular
circumstances of the case, the existence of the line and the need for the court to be
aware of it should not be in doubt.
46. By the 4
th March the local authority had plainly discharged its duty under s 37 to
investigate Tun’s circumstances, it had provided a comprehensive report of that
process and had described the reasons for its considered and sustained opinion which
was that it did not consider that a care or supervision order was justified at that time.
On the evidence as it was at that hearing, making a further s 37 direction and, on the
back of that, a further interim care order were steps that were clearly on the far side of
the jurisdictional line delineating the role of the court from that of a local authority. In
making these orders on that day the judge would seem to have failed to appreciate the
limitation of his powers.
47. In addition, where a local authority is presenting a considered position which is
against the issue of care proceedings, it must be incumbent upon a court which holds a Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
contrary view to spell that view out in clear terms and full detail in a reasoned
judgment. In the circumstances, it was not sufficient simply to refer back to the
December 2010 judgment and recite that the interim threshold had been satisfied at
that time; it was, by March 2011, necessary to engage with the contrary view that was
being firmly and consistently presented by LCC. The short judgment that was
apparently given, and the delegation of the task of spelling out the suggested deficits
in the local authority assessment to the father and children’s guardian were significant
procedural errors.
48. If this appeal were being heard during the currency of the 4
th March 2011 order, rather
than 18 months later, the s 37 direction and with it the interim care order would have
to be set aside on the basis that the court had exceeded its jurisdiction in making them
and had done so in a procedurally unsustainable manner.
The proceedings as a whole
49. Thus far I have focussed upon three important but specific hearings. It is now time to
step back and consider the wider case that Mr and Mrs B seek to establish. That case
is that, from the start in December 2010, HH Judge Tyzack had been set upon
achieving the permanent removal of Tun from their care. They assert that at each turn
the judge acted unfairly towards them and displayed obvious bias against them in the
decisions that he made. The decisions of LCC to remove Tun in December 2010 and
not to return him to the care of Mr and Mrs B in March 2011 were, on each occasion,
the result of Mr and Mrs B withdrawing from cooperation with the social workers. Mr
and Mrs B justify their actions at those times on the basis that they did not agree with
the court orders that had been made and were therefore fully justified in withdrawing
from cooperation.
50. In presenting their case to us Mr and Mrs B were plain in making their allegation of
judicial bias. They submitted that ‘the fact is that the judge did not make an error [as
to his jurisdiction], he did it on purpose. He knew that it was outside the Children Act
but he carried on like a bull in a china shop’. Having heard others submit that
whatever may have occurred in the earlier stages of the hearing, the overall result was
sound, Mr and Mrs B concluded their case by saying that once the judge had made
errors of jurisdiction in the period December 2010 to March 2011 ‘the damage was
done and it could not be put right’.
51. In assessing the fairness of court proceedings and, more particularly, in investigating
whether the serious allegation of judicial bias is established it is necessary to look at
the proceedings as a whole, rather than dwelling only upon one or two events in the
course of a long sequence of hearings. If Mr and Mrs B are to succeed in this appeal
on their wider case, they will only be able to do so by establishing unfairness or bias
which runs right through the process or which is a feature of the proceedings as a
52. I have already drawn attention to the judge’s judgments of December 2010, January
and March 2011 which fall short of the level of detail required to communicate to the
local authority why the court was making orders under CA 1989, s 37 and s 38. In
relation to the March hearing, I have held that the exercise of jurisdiction and the
absence of detailed reasons would have led to the orders being set aside had they been
challenged at the time. The fact that a judge may give a judgment which is so short as Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
to be an inadequate means of communicating with a local authority in the context of s
37 does not, however, mean that the process is automatically ‘unfair’ to the other
litigants. It is not always possible for a judge to give a full judgment on a particular
day and where, as here, the parties, including Mr and Mrs B, were well aware of the
evidence upon which the court’s conclusions were based, the overall fairness of the
process has to be considered in that light. In contrast to those that preceded it, the
judgment given by HHJ Tyzack on 12 April 2011 is substantial and detailed and
focuses upon the events following December 2010, upon the judge’s analysis of the
evidence and the welfare needs of Tun at that stage. Whilst Mr and Mrs B now seek to
challenge the orders made on that day, they did not do so at the time. Having read that
judgment with a clear eye upon the judicial bias case that is being advanced, I cannot
see evidence of bias in the judge’s approach, which is supported by the evidence to
which he refers and which was supported by unanimous professional and expert
53. Mr Rupert Chapman, counsel for LCC, had a difficult path to tread before this court
in that his client’s case before the judge had been that there was no jurisdiction to
make further s 37 and interim care orders, whereas LCC now support the judge’s
handling of the case and his final conclusions. Despite the forensic delicacy of his
position, Mr Chapman was firm in refuting Mr and Mrs B’s assertion that they only
withdrew from cooperation as a result of the judge’s sustained interference with their
care of Tun by way of court orders. Mr Chapman points to the long history of noncooperation by Mr and Mrs B with the local authority and the court process. In
particular he points to clear evidence that the B’s had been antagonistic to the orders
of previous judges prior to the involvement of HHJ Tyzack.
54. In the context of their overall case alleging judicial bias, the judge treated Mrs B’s
opposition to his continued involvement as a formal application for him to recuse
himself from the case at a hearing in November 2011. The court order records that
Mrs B had given no reasons to support her position and the deemed application for
recusal was refused on 22 November 2011. It is of note that Mrs B made no
application to appeal the judge’s refusal to stand aside. Instead, as I have recorded at
paragraph 14, in December 2011 Mrs B filed detailed documents in the case, but
indicated that she was seeking neither residence nor contact with Tun at the
forthcoming hearing.
55. The order of 22 November 2011 is of note as it contains detailed provisions which
seem designed to give Mr and Mrs B clear notice of the content and structure of the
final hearing that was listed for two days in January 2012. The eight witnesses who
were booked to be called were listed, but Mr and Mrs B were given a detailed
procedural path through which they could apply to have other witnesses called. Mr B
was given permission to intervene for the purposes of cross examining the local
authority witnesses. Those directions, and the very fact that the matter was being set
up for a two day hearing, do not indicate to me that the judge had a closed mind or
that he was pursuing his own agenda against Mr and Mrs B in the biased and unfair
manner that they allege.
56. The final hearing took place on 13 January 2012. Neither Mr nor Mrs B attended the
hearing. Mrs B applied for an adjournment on the grounds that her GP had advised
that she was too emotionally labile to cope with the court process. The judge, having
in particular heard of the need for Tun to know the outcome of the court process and Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
where he was to live, refused to adjourn the hearing. Given earlier communications
from Mrs B (to which I have already made reference) he concluded that neither Mr
nor Mrs B had any intention of attending the hearing in person. The judge refused an
application for Mr B to represent Mrs B in her absence as her McKenzie Friend, but
he did permit Mr B to question the social workers over the telephone during the
57. In a set of ‘written reasons’ covering 59 paragraphs handed down after the hearing,
HHJ Tyzack described the procedure adopted and the analysis of the evidence which
had led him to conclude that Tun should remain placed with the maternal
grandparents and that that placement should be under a special guardianship order.
My reading of that document is that at each stage the judge describes the decision that
he has taken, be it procedural or substantive, cross refers it to the evidence or
information that was before the court and then sets out clear reasons for the
conclusion to which he has come. There is, in my view, nothing in that document that
could advance the case of judicial bias or, indeed, procedural unfairness and it is of
note that Mr and Mrs B do not really refer to this important concluding judgment in
presenting their appeal.
58. It is, however, part of Mr and Mrs B’s case before us that the decision to place Tun
with his maternal grandparents was plainly wrong as being totally contrary to his best
interests. Even if he had to be in care, they say that would be a better outcome than
living in his present home. Both at the permission to appeal stage and at this hearing
Mr and Mrs B have submitted information and given accounts of Tun displaying very
difficult behaviour at school and elsewhere with the result, they say, that his
educational needs are not being met and he is on the fringes of the criminal justice
59. The information provided by Mr and Mrs B is an obvious source of concern, but
having now been taken by counsel for the local authority to the material before the
judge which indicates that these difficulties were known about at the time of the
hearing, and having been told in very clear terms by Mr Pressdee that the guardian
does not support the appeal upon this aspect of the case, I am clear that the choice of
placement was a decision as to the child’s welfare in relation to which the judge had a
wide margin of discretion. His decision to place and consolidate Tun in the home of
the maternal grandparents was supported by all of the expert and professional
evidence, and was urged upon him by all parties save for Mr and Mrs B. The
worrying matters to which reference is made were properly before the court and
therefore part of the welfare balance undertaken by the social workers, the guardian
and, ultimately, the judge. In order to succeed on this aspect of their appeal, Mr and
Mrs B would have to establish that the judge’s choice of placement was plainly
wrong; it is simply not possible to characterise the judge’s decision in that way and
the appeal on this ground must fail.
60. In the circumstances, Mr and Mrs B’s appeal must stand or fall upon the conclusion to
be reached on their core assertion which is that the whole process before HHJ Tyzack
was fatally tainted by unfairness and judicial bias against them. Their case is assisted
by the conclusion at which I have already arrived to the effect that in making the
March 2011 s 37 direction and a further interim care order the judge exceeded his Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. Double-click to enter the short title
jurisdiction. That conclusion is, however, the high point of their case on bias and
unfairness. The conduct of the proceedings has to be looked at as a whole. From that
perspective, for the reasons that I have given, I can detect no evidence of judicial bias
or procedural unfairness. On the contrary the judgment of April 2011, the directions
order of November 2011 and the full reasons given for the final decision in January
2012 indicate a judge who was looking to keep Mr and Mrs B on board in the process,
should they choose to take part in it, and laying out clearly the factors that he was
concerned about and in relation to which he would need to see evidence of change,
should Mr and Mrs B wish to provide such. The actual decisions made by the judge
were plainly profoundly unwelcome to Mr and Mrs B, but that that was the case is in
not, of itself, any indication of judicial bias. In the present proceedings it would seem
that Mr and Mrs B’s unilateral actions in withdrawing from cooperation with LCC
and with the court at key stages contributed much to the way in which their claim to
have Tun in their care became progressively less and less tenable.
61. Having undertaken a thorough analysis of the process in this case, and despite having
concluded that in March 2011 the judge exceeded his jurisdiction, I am fully satisfied
that the proceedings as a whole were sound and free from judicial bias. If Mr and Mrs
B had appealed the March 2011 interim care order at the time then, in my view, that
appeal would have succeeded. They did not do so. Instead they withdrew from
cooperation with a local authority, which hitherto had been supporting them to be
Tun’s carers. Events moved on and now, some 18 months later, the finding of error in
March 2011 is part of the history and cannot, of itself, lead to a finding that the
judge’s final conclusion should be set aside with the result that the whole question of
this young boy’s future should, once again, be considered afresh by the court.
62. For the reasons that I have given I would dismiss this appeal.
Lord Justice Sullivan
63. I agree.
The Master of the Rolls
64. I also agree.
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