Thursday, 2 February 2012

family courts lack of evidence

if something goes down on paper it becomes fact.!! no matter what it is. the lack of evidence needed in these cases mean parents will also be at a distinct disadvantage in family law public cases and somewhat in private proceedings.

It makes the justice system a laughing stock, how can any parent prove their innocence if the level of evidence required is so low.  it also raises the question why is it then the parent must provide evidence of a much higher standard to appeal!"!  what a joke.

the child act is stacked against a parent to enable social services and the family to simply remove children from good loving homes, the prolonged and protracted cases serve beneficial to the SS and the family courts in that a lot of money is made and careers too!  but also the judge can state the child is suffering due to the prolonged and protracted case!  they balme the parents for that of course, not the 3 months wait for a hearing or the constant moans of the social workers that they havent had the opportunity to do their assessment / report etc.

what an embarrassment for a country supposedly advanced and modern that we run a court system based on kangaroo courts for the most important issues of Children.  shame on the uk

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