Tuesday, 10 January 2012

They finally get theyre way on Thursday... The judge gets the kid

after a 6 year struggle the judge the cronies and the vulchers will get our lad. They dont care who he is with as long as he is not with us. they have no evidence to show we have caused any harm to the child ... they simply say we have emotionally harmed him or we may emotionally harm him in the future. no evidence of course, just a crystal ball and funny handshake!!

worst of all for Angela (my wife) is the fact the child will be basically adopted ( special guardianship ) by our worst enemies, her father and step mother. These poeple met me in 2004 for the first time. Within 10 minutes they attacked Angela by beating her, strangling her and punching her, then proceeded to glass me in my arm and Angela in her neck, missing the jugular vein by half an inch.

They have a history of violence to their children, and to each other, they are alcoholic dependent and it is an accepted fact. Yet HHJ Tyzack of Exeter County Court would rather the children live with them than us.. why you may ask???

Well, after 5 years of constant investigations by social workers, councilors, psychiatrists etc the judge and his cronies still could not get a professional to state that i and my wife were a risk of significant harm to the child. So in December 2010 HHJ Tyzack decided to order a section 37 investigation in to our care of the child ... this was 2 months after a wrprevious report by social services had been submitted. (stating no evidence could be found we were any risk to the child), we refused to co-operate with the order and with social services. Social Services adamantly and strenuously informed the judge on the day and after that there were no grounds for a section 37 investigation and that in law the threshold criteria was not met. HHJ Tyzack had plans though, he gave us 7 days to become involved in the 9th investigation against us in 6 years, or he threatened to place the child into Interim Care.

We stood by our morals and 7 days later the child was placed into local foster care to enable social services to investigate.

2 seperate reports were placed to the judge over the next 5 months, in both reports social services stated no evidence could be found of any risk of significant harm to the child, on both occasions HHJ Tyzack slated the social workers work and said there had to be something wrong because he was "convinced". In essence HHJ Tyzack was not getting the answer he wanted. The judge was so hell bent against us he even called the director of Leicestershire Social Services to direct him not to consider allowing the child to remain in our home whilt the section 37 took place, (this is illegal the judge has no jurisdiction over the decision as the law says only the local authority can decided where to place the child).

Leicestershire social services turned against us, we argued with one social worker who refused to leave our home, i asked him 12 times to leave but he wouldnt, eventually i legally removed him from the house after seeking advice from the police as to what was a legal removal (minimum force). Immediately social services stated we were now a risk to the child, because my behaviour had showed evidence. (the child was at school seeing none of this).

The next report to the court was damning, a full 100 % turn around, we went from good parents to bad parents overnight on the basis i threw a social worker out of my own home. (metaphorically speaking), HHJ Tyzack all of a sudden needed to spend some time telling them in court just how wonderful a job they had done and congratulated them on their realization that they had to tow the line.

so where are we now? the child was removed from our area and placed with his grandparents some 8 months ago, he consistently stated until 2 months ago that he wished to live with us. He is and was so unhappy in his placement that he got excluded 10 times in 2 months in his new school, he shot a girl in the face with a bb gun, he broke a childs nose by punching him, he has lots of police involvement, he is 12. The social worker stated that there was a clear correlation between Angela speaking to her son on the mobile he had and his behavioural problems.

within a week of this the childs mobile was 'lost', and has not been replaced, apparently he has been behaving so well its clear he is better off with out his mum contacting him (states her father). The next thing we know the child is saying he doesnt want to talk to his mum, he doesnt want to see her, etc etc.... total 100% rejection. Grandfather (angelas father and now foster carer of the child) was ecstatic enough to call around the family and boast to all how the child had now turned against his own mother, and gloated about the "money they will get for the children under special guardianship".

What is to happen now i hear you ask?

well, on thursday HHJ Tyzack will place the child in the special guardianship of two poeple who viciously attacked and stabbed the mother of the child. The solicitor in Torbay Janine Bond will be all victorious and will no doubt celebrate wrecking the relationship between a child and his mother. No doubt the grandparents will throw a party, and we are sure the Guardian and his freind the judge and a few others in that court will have a nice meal in an expensive restaurant on the £5 million pounds of proceeds this case has made them over the 6 years. personally i hope they all choke on their prawns.

To see my wife losing her child for the 3rd time in 6 years and to see her cry throughout the day and night for a child who has apparently no feeling for her and rejects her simply (according to the creatures above), she feels as though it is a death, and it is. They have killed what she had with her son, they have slaughtered a loving relationship and they feel they have the moral high ground.

We have 2 other children, aged 3 and 5 yrs. I am sure that if he could HHJ Tyzack would just love to steal them too, but he cant. that is the only silver lining we have is knowing they have not and can not wreck us as a loving family. I cant name the child but if i could and he was reading this in the furture id say : hey T dont worry about it mate, no one blames you, adults are the most vile and destructive creatures, your mum loves you so much, i care for you ... you are in my eyes my other son. . . they can only wreck it for now, we will still be here waiting when you are old enough to the lot of them to fuck themselves... you know where we are and our door is always open to you bud. they can take the child from the Baggaleys but theyll never take the baggaleys from the child.

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