Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Scumcial workers now taking us to court for our 3 and 5 year old

after a malicious referral from our landlord Mr Terry Buckingham Rampton, through his 'freind' sergent Chriss Huss, stating shouting could be heard from our house and a little girl could be heard saying "daddy dont push mummy over"  social services attended our home,  initally they stated the above but after a couple of weeks the wording of the referral changed to "shouting that resembled domestic violence could be heard from the house on the 19th May 2011.  A little girl could be heard saying "daddy dont hit mummy again"

firslty we were not in the house on the 19th May 2011 we were away.  Secondly the landlord lives 1 mile away so even if he had heard what he allegges he would have to have supersonic hearing.  Whenour children were seen by social services we made it abundantly clear that this would only be able to take place if they only veiwed the children, did not speak to them other than niceites and not assessing, and that they did not veiw the children without an apropriate adult (grandfather) with them at all times.

The grandfather took the younger child to the toilet for a matter of 90 seconds, at the most, In that time social services state our daughter simply turned around and made statements that mummy and daddy argue millions and that daddy pushed mummy over.  Our 5 year old daughter vehemently denies this, she says the social worker is lying and in fact she was asked is there anything at home you would like to change and her answer was yes, "i would like to have an elephant".  However the social workers are adamant they assessed her under section 47 investigation in a total of 90 seconds.  They are confirmed by the grandfather as not saying anything to the children other than hello and goodbye and asking them general questions about what their favorite toy is.  On their way out of the house they told the grandfather there were no concerns and the children were obviously very happy and contenct children.

We are aware the landlord did this because he boasted of it to us in a phone call " ha ha ha your goping to lose your kids, thatll teach you to rip me off, its who you know not what you know",  he then went on to make threats against me and my wife that in the end we had to inform the police who are investigating.  I later called Sergent Chriss Huss at Hinckley police station who admitted the landlord and herself had passed the information to social services.  ((this is the same officer who sat at the back of the court with the landlord for 8 hours in a trial where the landlord accused me of breaking his sink,.(criminal Damage) i was found not guilty)  only 4 weeks previously))

Do social services takle any of this information into account ?  NO

so there is a core assessment meeting, did we recieve the report to that meeting>  NO

did we recieve the minutes from that meeting?  NO

a child protection conference conference is then called.  We arrive on time but the conference room is not ready, we sit and wait and at 2 minutes to 11 (11 o'clock being the starting time of the conference)  Linzi English (head of the child protection unit) throws a conference report to each of us.  With 2 minutes before the start of the conference we were certainly not prepared to consider the report at that time. 

Therefore we passed them back and refused to read them,  Liar Linzi then said the report had been posted on wedneasday before hand, this was a blatant lie.  I called her a liar, she took offence to this and an argument ensued, no witnesses were in the room, we actually walked out of the room to find the chair Sara Bosun Hayes, however Liar Linzi had asked the police to attend and they were sat in the foyer, SET UP!!  we walked toward them and liar linai started histrionics demanding we leave the building.  To be fair the police were unhappy and did try to negotiate with her for 15 minutes to allow us to attend but she refused as did the chairwoman.  The conference took place without us.

No 1 person attending the conference was there to defend any of the information provided to the conference by the Liar.

Therefore she had free reign to make whatever allegations she wanted.  Frightening the life out of the attendees at the meeting, school teachers, school health workers, council housing officers, invironmental health officer, and many other poeple.  Some of these poeples attendances was dubious, Jo Wykes of Hinckley Council is a housing officer who made a referral against me in 2010 because she didnt like the "way he spoke to me on the phone".  However they all had a part in the decision to place our children on a child protection plan.

It was some time later we recieved the report the conference recieved and the evidence relied upon. 

Did we recieve the minutes of the conference?  NO

The report itself was frighteningly misleading and full of inacuracies.  The watered down version is the following.

Nigel suffers from Bipolar Disorder  ..   NO I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE

Nigel suffers Tourettes Syndrome  .... NO I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE

Nigel has been diagnosed with explosive personality disorder   ...  NO I HAVE NOT

Nigel has many convictions for assaults against council officers, police officers, court officials and social workers.............  I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE CONVICTION NAMED ABOVE

There is further inacuracies, that amount to a false and malicious character assessment.

when you consider the above and then align it with a apparent referral for what is alleged to domestic violence, from a man with tourettes, bipolar and explosive personaltiy disorder,  Is it surprising the attendees at the conference were sufficiently concerned to support the child protection plan.

The problem is by taking away our right to defend and question these allegations in the conference the children now face care proceedings due to our refusal to co-operate with the care plan.

Why on earth would anyone co-operate with a plan that was made upon false information.

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